Args: cgm_df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing the glucose measurements. diet_df (Optional[pd.DataFrame], optional): DataFrame containing the diet data. Defaults to None. cgm_date_col (str, optional): Name of the date column in cgm_df. Defaults to “Date”. gluc_col (str, optional): Name of the glucose column in cgm_df. Defaults to “glucose”. diet_date_col (str, optional): Name of the date column in diet_df. Defaults to “Date”. diet_text_col (str, optional): Name of the text column in diet_df. Defaults to “shortname_eng”. ax (Optional[plt.Axes], optional): Matplotlib Axes object to plot on. Defaults to None. smooth (bool, optional): Apply smoothing to the glucose curve. Defaults to False. sleep_tuples (Optional[List[Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp]]], optional): List of sleep start and end times. Defaults to None.
Args: cgm_df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing the glucose measurements. cgm_date_col (str, optional): Name of the date column in cgm_df. Defaults to “collection_timestamp”. gluc_col (str, optional): Name of the glucose column in cgm_df. Defaults to “glucose”. ax (Optional[plt.Axes], optional): Matplotlib Axes object to plot on. Defaults to None.